Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just another day

Fall is here. Air is cooler and candy corn is in the stores. I swear my body will last forever because I can't stop eating that stuff. It's sooo good and so bad. My tongue gets coated and my jaw hurts from chewing and yet I won't stop until the bag is gone.
I'm a little 'fluffy' right now so I don't know what the Hey wrong with me but I'm hopping that I will wake up and get back on track next week.
thank g-d I sell jeans for Vault Denim (Yes had to get a plug in there) but seriously I need some big girl jeans.....
Here's to next weeks craving being Apples!??

Monday, August 29, 2011

Selling Vault Denim Jeans

I have become a sales rep for Vault Denim Jeans. I now go to my friends and a their friends and hawk designer denim.
I'm torn between loving this and hating this new job. I love it when the parties go great, when people love the jeans and the sales are great. I hate it when I can't get parties booked or the jeans are not what the customer was looking for.
Basically it's retail.
But the company is great, their support keeps me moving forward.
Now I'm ready for cooler weather and more sales.
Wish me luck, I really want this business to take off because i can do it on my own time and it works well with my crafting.
Now it needs to work well with my shopping! in case you are curious.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I know have my own website. The question is- will the masses flock to it? Sign up for it, make me rich?
I'm thinking it will take more than just being there.....let the marketing begin!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

blogging in an abyss

I keep trying to think of an interesting theme for my blogs. Should I take a year to grow a business or a plant? Maybe I should build a house or at least keep the house I have upright? I think of all my followers, the movie about me and of course the dollars that would come rolling in.
Then I check and yes still there is not one person in the whole world following my blog and I assume there is no one but me reading this.

the truth is I kinda like it like that. I was the kid that never kept a diary because I was always afraid someone would read it.

I'm not sure how I would feel if i knew there were thousand, ok hundereds ok someone reading about me online.
Twitter I get- a few words I can monitor. Facebook - well that is just fun.
but a blog.
Not sure how I would feel about that.
I've been doing this for a while now. Not often and not consitantly - just when the mood strikes.
I liek it - the slight chance I might get 'caught' with the safe knowledge I probably won't

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Me and the family

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Thought you all would like to see me and my family- of course I 'happen' to be wearing a pair of my handpainted jeans and one of my necklaces.....not really I had just come from a show and I always wear my own stuff to shows.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Really who expects perfect?

Just read an article about alcoholic moms. While I do see the connection and honestly can see how easy it is to slip down that path, their reason's seem so stepford wivesish. The article said the moms started drinking because it was so stressful keeping up with PTA and thier kid's activities and trying to be perfect. The article went on to discuss the increase in 'mom stress' in toady's society and I just thought "What the!?" (yes I am qouting Sponge Bob)

My husband might call bullshit on this one, but really who cares what other moms think. With both kids in public school now, I am full force PTA mom. All I can say is the more involved I get, the more ridiculous it all seems. I can honestly say that I will never be that perfect to be in charge of ten activites and have home made cookies and a clean house, perfect little dinner on the table, kids excelling in all aspects of their lives and .....who really cares.

My house is clean enough, we eat healthy enough, and I do what I can. My seven year is a tough critic and his approval is hard enough to get.

The best part is the other moms who feel the way I do are the cool moms. So not only do I get to let all of that go, but i get to let go hanging out with cool moms and we can have a glass of wine because its 5:00 on a Friday and after a long week we just want one.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back from the marathon!

Ran the Chicago Marathon this weekend. Wow what an experience. I've run a smaller marathon and I have to say- there is nothing like a big city event. I believe I smiled for all 26.2 miles.
Now it's back to reality. Sigh...but not really, I had put so many things on hold for 'after the marathon' that it's nice to have it behind me. Now it's time for craft shows and product making.
Sold three more necklaces and here is the email I got from the customer:

"Great--this is perfect because my next sister's birthday is in a couple of weeks. I'll send you a photo of the four of us in the necklaces. We LOVE em!!"

Feedback like that is always nice to hear! or

So my count is now......165 to go???